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my mom
05.12.02 - 12:04 a.m.

my mom is very important to me. i'm not sure if i've ever mentioned that here. but she is.

my mom. she does the "soccer mom arm stop" whenever we're driving together and she has to hit the brakes suddenly. even when i'm wearing a seatbelt. she loves books. she smokes pot. she says she doesn't like my cats, but sometimes, i'll catch her petting them and saying that she really does love them. when i was younger, she let me keep a turtle my friend eric and i found. when i told her i was a lesbian, she hugged me and told me that she loves me no matter what. she says she'll only bail me out of jail once. she always asks my opinion about her boyfriends. she listens to my opinions. she doesn't have the greatest luck with guys. she lets me drive her car, although technically, i can't because i'm not insured on it. she used to play the flute in high school. she's had staples in her head. she's accidently cut her thumb down to the bone. she's had to wear an eyepatch because she got injured at an old job. when she was a kid, she used to count worms for a job. she grew up in the country. she has 3 sisters, 1 brother, and 3 step-sisters. she thinks it'll be good for me to go travel, but she still worries. she taught me how to change a car tire. she taught me how to put oil in a car. she's stubborn. she and my dad divorced when i was 6. i've lived with her ever since. she loves RENT. she loves ani. she thinks techno is good driving music. she gets cranky after being in crowds for too long. she smokes 1 pack of cigarettes a day. sometimes, she calls her dad by his first name. other times, she calls him daddy. when she was little, she accidently hit her youngest sister in the head with a concrete brick. her sister (my aunt) still has the scar. when she was younger, she had a best friend named esther. she points out esther's house whenever we drive by it. sometimes, i beat her to it. she drinks a lot of coffee. she sings along to nirvana. she likes the song "come as you are" by nirvana. she likes toast and bagels. she always loses her lighters. even in the winter, she'll drive with the car window down because she likes the fresh air. she's currently driving her 8th car since i've been born. she told me she wants the song "Seasons of Love" from RENT sung at her funeral. she talks to her mom every sunday morning. she scrapbooks. she hates mowing the lawn. she thinks i might have ADD. cans of dog food make her gag. she thinks both of my band directors from middle school/high school are cute. she doesn't like to cook. sometimes, we'll drive aimlessly around out in the country because we're bored. she helps me dye my hair. she lets me dye her hair. she won't let me cut her hair because she knows i'll give her a mowhawk. she's had the same haircut for a good 10 years, if not more. she thinks republicans are silly/crazy folk. she's really good at her job.

that just barely scratches the surface of the wonder that is my mom.

for mom's day, i bought her a shiney chrome toaster, 6 lighters and a rose.

i love you mom.

earlier - later