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07.02.04 - 9:26 a.m.

there's no one else at work right now. just me and my music. also? i can hear practically everything the people next door are saying. because they are very very loud.

so, i got my car insurance bill this week. i pay it, in full, every six months. last time it was $399. this time? $521. fuck that shit. seriously. i know that in michigan, car insurance was raised a certain percent (i want to say 30%), to cover our debts in medicare or to buy crack for the bigwigs or something. i know this because when i called my insurance place to ask them what the hell was going on, they told that it was raised all through the state. and they also told me that the company itself decided to raise the amount for insurance.

the fuck? ok, seriously. i do not make a lot of money. also, my car has almost 222,250 miles on it. it most likely will not last another year. and they want me to pay over $500 for something i don't even want?

fuck that shit.

and fuck Northe Pointe Insurance.

i am a very loyal bill payer. i pay everything on time, if not before. if you do no fuck with me, i'm very happy and continue to use your services. but once you do some bullshit like this (especially when you do not let your customers know), i will ditch your ass and go elsewhere.

music: ani d.

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