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07.29.04 - 8:48 a.m.


been a while, yes?

so.. anyway. (i really need to buy a new computer)

sadly, nothing overly exciting has happened lately.

i work, i come home, and go to sleep. (rinse repeat)

i haven't been drinking (no more drunken talking to the tv. i do plenty enough of that while sober)

the past day or two i've been kinda sad since the girl that i had a bit of a crush on is now dating a stupid boy who uses so much cologne he could kill a herd of elephants.

we've gotten new people at work. the only one i like is a skinny boy with a fancy car who loves movies. (speaking of movies, i saw catwoman last week. yay for halle berry in leather pants)

i miss writing things here at d-land. i hope to get a new computer by this winter, so hopefully i'll start writing more. writing at work sucks.

earlier - later