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07.14.05 - 10:44 p.m.

these past few weeks i've been productive, art wise. i've started and finished one painting, i have the rough pencil sketchs of 3 more in my sketch book, i already know where i'm hanging all of them, alice wants me to paint a couple for her room (just need to see what colors she painted it to figure out what will look good), sometime this weekend i want to sand down the bookcase in my living room so i can paint it (which will actually take a while since i want friends and whatnot to doodle on it and leave their marks), and i'm also in the process of 1) deciding whether or not acrylic paint will work on my vinyl blinds (covering the slider door to the balcony), and 2) if so, what do i want to paint on them?

so yeah. i have eighty gazillion projects that i'm working on.

and thats just fine with me.

music: slipknot

earlier - later