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11.05.05 - 7:15 p.m.

i beat fable this afternoon. which brings the grand total fo games that i have beaten (console or pc) to a whooping total of: 1

and if you're counting cheating, then it'd be: 2 (civilization 2)

yes. its true. despite my habit of playing vido games, i never actually beat them. mainly because i appear to have a short attention span. case in point: i borrowed fable from my brother on april 29th (i know this because the ex and i had our first date on may 1st and we played it the next day while waiting for wwe raw to start.)

so, from april 29th to november 5th. that's.. hell if i know. i've been drinking and i don't feel like counting. you do it.


to be fair, i would only play it in spurts and i think there might have been 1 1/2 months where i didn't even touch my xbox.

it was fun. now i need another game to play.

:: :: ::

also, i really need to e-mail greg. we wanted to go bar hopping sometime. however, apparently his girlfriend and i are not allowed to meet.

back story on that: last weekend was our family reunion. greg and i (we're cousins) spent friday night (and from about 2pm saturday until we collapsed about midnight) drunk.

anyway, friday night, we're drunk, and calling people (as you do), and he calls his girlfriend while i called my other cousin to see if she'd bring us more beer, since we were one the forth floor and the beer was on the first. and that was a lot of stairs. i also tried the whole arugement where, yes we were 4 hours away but it was only 2 if you drove fast (it didn't work. because she was also drunk).

so i finished calling people, and started talking to greg while he was still on the phone to his girl, and i was asking him if she was hot, and he was telling her everything i was saying. (i also think he might have told her about my whole lake erie lake monster vs aliens vs ghost idea that i thought up. i can't remember)

the next morningafternoon (greg didn't get up until almost noon, while i was still up at 8am damnit..) we took the ferry to kelly's island, and we were talking (as you do), and he mentioned that before he went to bed he called his girl again, and they were talking, and she said asked about me and said "she hot?" at which greg was all "she's my cousin!!" and he decided that we could never meet.


poor greg.

but, we were talking, and he did say that he would ask her if any of her friends were single.


:: :: ::

when the hell did it become november? wtf?

music: robert randolph and the family band "ted's jam"

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