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Thanksgiving [its bad enough we get along so well, say goodnight and go]
11.25.05 - 11:11 p.m.

I hope everyone who celebrates it had a good Thanksgiving.

Mine was.. Non-existent. I didn�t go anywhere to celebrate. My brother had plans with his friends, earlier this week my dad offered to make a place for me at his home with him and his woman (did not take him up on it for various reasons, one being that mom and I had vague plans). As for mom and I, well, we didn�t get together.. Usually on holidays we go up to my grandparent�s home and celebrate there. But my grandma had surgery not long ago, and is still a bit stiff getting around and what not. And actually, I�m not even sure what they did.

So, yes. I did nothing. It has been snowing since Wednesday, and yesterday morning afternoon when I woke up there was a lot of snow on my car and I didn�t feel like cleaning it off and driving on crappy roads. And apparently, that was just fine with mom since she didn�t call me and mention anything about wanting me to come over.

Instead, the most I did on Thanksgiving spanned from midnight to 6am. And that involved: me and a girl wandering through a 24 movie store for an hour and a half; sitting in a taco bell parking lot, eating various foods and watching cars slip slidin� through intersections; and sitting in her car for 3 hours in the parking lot right in front of my apartment building, (why we did not just come inside, I really do not know) watching the snow fall and listening to music and talking.

I also told her that if she wasn�t straight, I would have asked her out a couple years ago (we�ve known each other for about 3 � years).

Sometimes I just really need to learn to keep my mouth shut.


Honestly, I was a little depressed yesterday, mainly because I wasn�t with family and celebrating. My birthday was a disappointment and I spent part of it depressed, and then add in yesterday with the lack of family, and you have a recipe for depression on my part.

Today however, I drove over to mom�s house and we went to the movies and saw Rent. We both really liked it. If I ever had enough money, I would probably go see it 30 more times.

Afterwards, I dropped mom off at her place, and proceeded to spent the next 2 � hours waiting around at Discount Tire to get one tire fixed. I�ve come to the conclusion that Discount Tire is a level of Purgatory (along with casinos and the DMV).

Even spending 45 minutes at the diner next door didn�t help. 4 cups of coffee and a piece of chocolate mint cream pie* later, and I�m bored out of my mind. Also, sweet jeebus cripes on a cracker, I don�t think I had ever heard the phrase �honey� uttered so many times. To other customers, to other waitresses, even to the cooks.

*which was not a kind of pie I wanted. I wanted something involving one of these words: pumpkin**, cherry, or apple. Not something where I couldn�t even exactly identify what it was made out of (mysterious texture, why do you confuse me?).

**mmm.. Pumpkin pie. Now that�s what I want right now. Along with stuffing, rolls, steamed broccoli, green bean casserole (yummy fried onion topping), mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, and deviled eggs.

(My actual Thanksgiving meal consisted of soy yogurt and a piece of bread. That is sad)


The snow is so pretty with the lights reflecting off it.

Listening to: Imogen Heap �Goodnight and Go�

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