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We've got too much to hide [Look at us we're beautiful]
01.02.06 - 1:44 p.m.

I haven�t been able to speak since Saturday. And since I have to talk on the phone all day at work, you can see how this is a problem.


I have today off (I don�t know why, we�re closed today. Not like it�s a holiday or anything..), and a couple minutes ago I was writing an e-mail when all of a sudden, I heard this noise.. Kinda like when its really windy out and blowing against the screen door of my balcony. Well, it wasn�t the wind. Instead, when I looked out, I was confronted with squirrel tummy. Yes, a squirrel was climbing around on my screen door. So of course I did the first thing that came to mind: I took pictures.

Do you think he sees me?

After staring at each other for a couple minutes, he decided to eat my dead plant. And to stare at me. Again.

Music: Moby "Beautiful"

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