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03.26.06 - 12:04 a.m.

I feel like I should write something here. You know, what with the nothing that I've written in almost 2 weeks and whatnot. But like really? Not a whole lot to say. The car didn't start today (because apparently the ungodly light amount of rain we got today was more than enough to make the car go on the fritz. Goddamn rain.), Wednesday is my last day of work (been there for just over 4 years and I've disliked the last year there), Friday I�m moving back to Battle Creek, I need to start getting my application and shit together for AmeriCorps, I quit smoking for 3 � days and started back up again and I'm tired of my friends flaking out on me when they promise they would help me with something on Friday, say they can help on Sunday instead, and flake out about that too. Gee, thanks. You know?

So that�s what I've been up to.

Know what sounds good? Going to Steak & Shake with some friends and eating cheesy fries. Now if only I had some people to go with..

Music: The Pipettes 'It Hurts to See You Dance So Well'

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