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tiny bible in my pocket
06.29.02 - 12:32 a.m.

i just liberated another firefly from my room. and now he is clinging to the outside of my window screen looking all sad and pathetic as fireflies do. how come bugs always come in my room, but never cute little butterscotch colored kitties who have been wandering outside for two weeks?

the rest of my day? eh.. it was.. eh. i woke up from a very interesting dream, and watched 'all my children' (hee! maggie and binky are going to prom together!), then sat around and drank lots of water while i watched cartoons. i also looked at a 'where's waldo?' book (i almost said 'read', but there really isn't any reading involved..), and i read a richard scary book (i can count numbers! wee!). i love them richard scary books.

i have a tiny tiny bible in my pocket.

music: deepspace5 'hall of justice'

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