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sucks to be under 21..
07.03.02 - 12:04 a.m.

No one will go buy my a bottle or two (or four) of Boones Farm. Mm, Boones Farm. I don't know what their problem is.. ok, yes, so I am under age by about 1 1/2 years, but big whoop. I'm already making my own cheap ass wine. next thing you know, I'll be making moonshine in the bathtub and dancing around barefoot to dueling banjos.

So why the hell won't someone buy me boones farm? Because they suck. That's why.

I got sympathy for my bruise today from Kate. It was cute. She's so cute. Its just full of cuteness.

Alice and I stopped at Subway to grab some lunch for us (us being Alice, Kate and I), and it was very funny. I made the chick working there smile. Basically, Alice and I were being complete dorks. I could elaborate further, but I don't feel like it. So there.

I get to be on a float thursday. and I get to throw candy at kids. I should practice my aim.

Happy Birthday Erica! You're all old now!

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