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nummy treats and guttersnipes
07.04.02 - 2:36 a.m.

I just drank half a bottle of Boone's Farm. 'Sun Peak Peach.' Mm, nummy treat. I got the brother to buy me two bottles of Boone's Farm as I sat out in the car. We stopped at this new booze store that just opened in town. According to the sign, they have over 400 types of liquor. And according to the brother, they have like 30 kinds of Boone's Farm. Other than Sun Peak Peach, I also got Strawberry Hill. Mm, strawberry.. nummy treat.

The brother bought a six pack of Woodchuck Draft Cider. Which I highly recommend. I had some. That too, is a nummy treat.

After we bought booze, we stopped over to the grocery store and wandered the aisles. I bought a loaf of wheat bread, a tiny pizza, sour cream n' onion Tato Skins, and a tub of marshmallow fluff. Mm, fluff. I felt like making some fluffernutters. Or just eating the fluff right out of the tub, whichever comes first. Or both. I hate making decisions.

I've come to the conclusion that sometime in my life, I am going to go to a store and buy their entire stock of: rhubarb, corn nuts, and marshmallow fluff. And it shall be done at an ungodly time, such at 3:30 in the morning. Because really, why not?

I'm watching old episodes of 'All My Children.' Wee! Right now, Frankie and Bianca are all cute and flirting, and they really should just make out now. But noo.. Frankie gets shot. And who shot her anyway? I don't remember. I remember that Erica pretended that she did it because she thought Bianca shot Frankie, but Bianca didn't shoot Frankie. So, if Erica didn't do it, and Binky didn't do it, who the hell did? And why can't I remember?

Wait.. maybe its all that Mm.. nummy treat.. (said much like Homer Simpson when he says "donut").

Heh.. Erica just called Frankie a guttersnipe.. I just cracked up. I love it when Opal says "Well slap me naked and call me Wanda." That happened like 3 hours ago. And I'm still laughin'. Hee!

music: well, if 'All My Children' episodes from last fall count..

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