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cute punk girls and chaos
07.14.02 - 10:13 p.m.

yesterday i went to see the new scooby-doo movie. i liked it a lot. very amusing. plus, there were only 4 people there, so that was a nice bonus.

after the movie was over, i was sitting outside (waiting for mom and the brother to finish seeing their movie. apparently scooby-doo isn't good enough for them.) against the building, reading 'Animal Farm', and i saw the cutest punk girl ever. spikey bleached blonde hair, black nerd rock glasses (much like my own), all-stars, socks pulled up to her knees (she was wearing shorts), black t-shirt with some band on it, and a red tie. oh lordy, she was cute.

sadly i didn't get to talk to her. i lost her in the crowd. (why is it that everyone thinks they should go to the movies at 7pm? there was like no one there barely 2 hours before.)

today at work? well, alice and i ordered pizza, and ran around the office building causing chaos. if by "chaos" you mean throwing a roll of toilet paper between the first and second floors of the builing. i stood at the top of the stairwell, she stood at the bottom. it was actually harder than it sounds because the stairwell is shaped like an 'L'. plus, there's that chandler thingy which got hit a few times.

sometimes, working in the building on weekends suck, but thats only if you don't know how to amuse yourself.

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