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flexing my computer muscles
07.29.02 - 1:48 p.m.

well then. its been mentioned to me before that i'm lacking a guestbook. and thats very true. i *was* lacking a guestbook. see that word there? "was"? thats right folks, now i have a loverly guestbook. (provided everything works and i don't manage to make it disappear somehow. computers? not my strong suit)

i'm awfully happy with myself for figuring it out. sometimes, i just feel like yelling what one of my great-aunts says: "computers are the work of the devil!" and then she'd go off on a little rant, and somehow end up asking me how my mom is, how college is (i dunno, how is it?), do i have a boyfriend yet, and then i'd get really confused by all the questions and go sit outside and watch the birds.

what was my point..? oh yeah, sign my guestbook, and i'll love you forever.

music: the clash

earlier - later