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passport confusion
07.31.02 - 12:06 a.m.

i just noticed that the clock on my computer is fast. i find that very annoying..

so. hm. i don't really have much to say right now.

work? oh, work was.. work. i found three dead people in the span of 5 minutes, poked heather's naval piercing, went to subway with alice, started reading 'brave new world' by aldous huxley, and i just finished filling out a passport application. i actually had a problem with the part where they ask you your hair color. original color? current color? color that it might be by the time you actually get the passport photo taken? color is might by when you travel? my current color is not my original color, and there's no telling if it'll be this color when i travel.

oh, the confusion!

(note: i filled out that i have brown hair. which is not my original color, but it is the current one)

i'm still not finding a way to alaska besides hitchiking.. not that i'm complaining. i'm always up for some hitchiking.

music: deepspace5 'hall of justice'

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