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needs and wants
11.12.02 - 10:30 p.m.

its between need and want. want and need. need and want. i want the want more than i want the need. sadly, i have decided on the need instead of the want. stupid voice in my head telling me to do the "right" thing. whatever that is.

in this instance, the need is to move out. the want is to go to europe. i really want to go to europe, but that will take all my money. and i'd rather not have to live here another year longer when i get back to save enough to move. (make sense?)

so, i've decided to not go to europe next year (damnit). but i'm going to move in the spring/summer, after my class that i signed up for today is over (its 'film interpretation').

mom thinks i might like east lansing. grandma thinks i might like madison, wisconsin. i don't know what i think i might like. i'm open to suggestions.

earlier - later