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my knees hurt
12.11.02 - 7:29 p.m.

so, saturday, i went to visit my grandma leona. it was her 80th birthday. the old-people apartment building where she lives has a potluck the first saturday of every month to celebrate the birthdays of that month. it was fun. with the old people and the salad (because everything else there had meat in it. yum, salad) and my possibly gay uncle who came over from illinois and grandma's sister and the bingo. oh the bingo. we played 10 games. i even won once. my prize was this tiny tiny vacuum cleaner. that doesn't work. but i'm going to take it apart and play with it anyways.

grandma leona is the grandma who always tells me that i should learn how to bake pies so i can get a boyfriend. surprisingly, that was not even brought up this time.

however, my constantly changing hair color was. oh well.


i'm kneeling in front of my computer as i type this. my chair is two feet away. no, i don't know why i just don't sit in my damn chair.


i'm going to go color.

music: the jellybricks

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