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as giddy as a schoolgirl. only not.
01.14.03 - 12:33 p.m.

so, my class started today. Literature 216: Film Interpretation. i think it'll be a good class. my shakespeare professor from 1 1/2 years ago is my professor for this class. plus, he remembered me, so that made me happy. he sounds like matthew broderick. its funny. in a good way.

note to self: 1,469 steps from tree at corner of emmett and fremont.

i've found my new favorite drink. red bull. i had my first can last night at work. it makes me very jittery. and so then i ate a whole bag of pixie stix because i'm like that. it made my left eye start to twitch and i kept misdialing numbers.

red bull basically has the same effect on me as alcohol does (alcohol makes me a bit jittery), except the chance of me passing out and waking up in a stranger's house isn't quite as likely.


aww, who is my pretty cat?

why its morgancat. yes indeedy.

why yes i do think all the red bull has gone to my brain.

music: pink

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