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6 degrees of you
01.15.03 - 12:13 p.m.

i still have 20 more pages to read for my class. i really should be doing that right now, but i don't feel like it. i don't know if i really feel like doing much of anything.

except for throwing up, since i feel a bit queasy.



i think either the brother or the parent may have found this site. not quite certain. must investigate further.


i was 4 1/2 hours late for work today. i find that oddly funny.

i also got to call london today. woo for me. sadly, the damn number couldn't be completed as dialed. note to self: find up-to-date list of U.K. areacodes.


i believe in fate. however, i don't believe that fate has complete and utter control of our lives. i believe that it guides us and along the way, shows us different paths. its up to us however to pick the path. our life is up to us. fate is like a 'Guidebook to Your Life' showing you interesting things in your life that you could choose to see. or you could choose not to see it because you think it'll be boring and there's a $5 entrance fee. nothing is set in stone. fate just shows you glimpses of different possibilites that could become your life.

i also believe that we are all connected. we are all a part of each other's fate. sometimes in good ways, sometimes not. some people we don't end up meeting because of the path we decided to meander down. but we're all connected in one way or another. like 6 degrees of kevin bacon.

and that is all i have to say for now.

good night, and have a pleasant tomorrow.

music: jimmy eat world

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