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01.22.03 - 11:07 p.m.

i almost died today. and i'm not saying that to get pity. its just something that happened. almost wound up smashed between a semi-truck and the concrete wall on I-94. and then 10 minutes later, i almost died again. almost wound up smashed between a big ass van and the concrete wall on another stretch of I-94.

i knew there was a reason i didn't like the highway/people in cars, and i think this just solidified it.

people are stupid. and give them a 2 ton hunk of steel thats barreling down the highway at 80mph (nevermind that the speed limit is 70mph. that means nothing to them), and their I.Q drops about 100 points.


an hour ago, the parent went and bought a pack of cigarettes. she just bought a pack 12 hours earlier. and i know it was 12 hours, because i had just gotten out of the shower and she said she was buying some cigarettes.

and she'll probably be done with this pack by either morning of the afternoon, and she's going to die of lung cancer and i try to get her to stop but it doesn't work and i'm incredibly depressed about it and i don't want to lose another family member to lung cancer and i'm just going to curl up on my floor and cry myself to sleep

music: thursday 'understanding in a car crash' (oddly fitting)

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