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my bank hates me
01.27.03 - 11:37 p.m.


i spent an hour at work today just looking at the weather tempertures around the world. 30F is moscow. 79F in tucson. 25F in anchorage. 36F in penticton. 59F in giza. why yes, i was bored out of my mind. how could you tell?

the thing i don't understand though, is why it was warmer in anchorage than it is here. alaska..michigan.. confusion.

i also spent some time spinning around in my chair, head tilted back, watching the light above my head spin and spin. and then i almost threw up.

and i left an hour early.


well, i'll be living on a handful of change for however long. my bank has decided to be an assmonkey and now my atm/check card won't work. which means i can't buy anything/get money out of the atm. which means either one of two things happen: 1)the cashier gets all snippy and says "oohh, sorry, but this has been denied" while looking like a smug assmonkey. or 2) the atm basically says "sorry. nobody likes you. $1,600 in your account? i'm sorry, but we can't give any of it to you."

#2 causes me to swear at the atm, kick it, then storm off while the people in line look at me like i'm insane.

i have no shame.

[and i don't know why my card isn't working or how long it'll be this way.]

music: cheer up linus 'just another rainy day'

oh emo music, you make me feel like i must walk around with a single tear falling down my face. and converse all-stars. and black rimmed glasses. and hair that hasn't been combed in 3 days. and possibly a pair of corduroy pants and a hooded sweatshirt. wait.. i do. except for the tear.

earlier - later