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attack of the robots! ahh!
03.29.03 - 11:22 p.m.

huh. look at that. my dad is talking to me. through msn messenger of course. god forbid we do anything like a 'normal' family. whatever the hell that means.

this is the first time i've talked to him since.. since.. my aunt deanne's birthday, i think. which was in january. when we went to visit them (aunt deanne and offspring), and where everyone in my family made fun of my blue hair and lip ring and bowling shoes.

and they hadn't even seen my tattoos.


which reminds me. a week ago or so, alice and i were talking, and she said she never would have pictured me getting tattoos and piercings etc, when we were younger.

well. alright then.

i'll admit i never really pictured me being a lesbian either. it never really came to me until 11th grade, where i was sitting in class, do some soul-searching, and went 'holy shit, i'm gay!'

so frankly, just because how someone is when they're 6, isn't going to be how they are when they're 20. because if it was like that, then right now, i'd be like the good terminator in terminator 2. busting some ass and driving a cool motorcycle and being a robot.

yeah, i used to pretend i was the terminator. got a problem with that? don't make me get all sarah connor on your ass.


i need to do my taxes. tra la la.

music: bif naked

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