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a few things..
06.18.02 - 1:34 a.m.

a few things..

1) no, i do not know why i have a shoelace looped around my wrist. if you know, i'd be greatly pleased if you could tell me.

2) guess who i saw today? that's right, i saw morgan cat. sadly, i still can't get him inside. also, he has two cuts on his face. he must have been fighting.

3) for some odd reason, i'm making a lot of typos tonight. hm.

4) for some other odd reason, i keep punching my bruise. trying to make it worse i suppose. it hurts when i punch it.

5) i'm still depressed.i think that might have to do with the punching. and the other things that some people might consider self-destructive, like the safety pins and straight pins through the wrists/arms/hands.

6) mm, muffins.

earlier - later