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fuck x7
05.30.02 - 11:24 p.m.


its fucking hot out. its all hot and muggy, and i really really hate that. fuck, yo.

know what? i only found like 3 fucking people today. that completely sucked ass. hardcore.

however, so far this month we've found a nice even 2,900 people. 100 of them were from today. if we can find 100 tomorrow, then we'll hit 3,000 which will be the highest month in the history of summit. and thus, we fucking rock.

i have to get up at 6am.. maybe i should go to bed soon.

i said "fuck" 7 times, in this entry. i should point out, i'm not angry or upset or anything, i'm just in one of those moods where i feel like saying fuck a lot.

it was funny earlier.. i was at work, and i was smacking my head against my desk.. kate1 was all like "aw! don't do that!" heh, she's so cute.

ya know.. since about last week wednesday, i've just been in this mood..not sad, not depressed.. just the kind of mood where you give a sigh and a pout, then get back to drinking your jug wine and getting nicely buzzed. i think i figured out why i'm in this mood. i want kisses damnit. kisses are good. hell, i'd settle for hugs. i don't get hugs anymore. or, i'd even settle for hanging out with people. seeing the same people from work everyday does not cut it, no matter how cute some (namely kate1, kate2 and marcie) are.

music: ackley kid, day old donuts, hot water music

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