good | bad | profile | email | design | diaryland
05.29.02 - 11:29 p.m.

i nabbed this survey from kawfee.diaryland

surveys amuse me.

Questions about your job

What is your job?

-skip tracer for summit credit services

Was this your first choice of career?

-not at all. i was perfectly happy with being jobless, until i realized that in order to get out of michigan, i should aquire a little money.

How did you get this job?


Why did you choose this career path?

-i needed the money to pay for hookers and my drug habit. wait.. that's not it. i needed the money so i could wander off and talk to strangers.

How long do you plan working in this field?

-no clue. i plan on working at this particular business until august. however, if i could find another kip tracing company, i would happily apply for a job.

Are you happy with your job?


On a scale of 1 - 10, how do you rate your job?


What do you like and dislike about your job?

-like: flexible hours, very relexed environment, nice people, good pay, good commission, no dress code, people often wander around in pajamas and go barefoot, cute girls, known the boss for 10 years. dislike: trevor.

What type of education do you need in this choice of career?

-can you read, use the internet, know how to use a phone, and can tolerate listening to college kids talk about how drunk they got the night before? that's really about it.

What were your grades like in school?

-depends on the class. i most got C's and D's though. which was due to my sleeping in class and not turning work in.

Did you go to college/plan to go to college?

-i just finished 2 years at a community college. it was far more than enough for me.

What is your dream job?

-own a coffee shop/bookstore. i've had the plans for it for about 5 years.

How does it differ from the job you are in now?

-the coffee hopefully won't be quite as crappy. and there's that whole part where there will be coffee and books, not cubicles.

What, if any, were your other jobs?

-random things. they mostly included pet-sitting.

Do you recommend this job to others?

-very much so.

music: day old donuts "blue"

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