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"dear mr. floppy.."
2001-07-12 - 2:34 a.m.

i wish one of my friends were online. i want someone to talk to. i would call someone, but well, it's 2:30 in the morning. i don't think they would like it if i called them. though it would be funny.

let's see. class was boring, then it became good, then i went home. i turned in some late work, but i still have more to do. i suppose that's what i get for skipping two classes in a course that's only twelve classes long. but oddly enough, i don't care.

i put up some more pictures from national geographic on my wall. it looks pretty cool.

lalala. i hate mom's "boyfriend".

just thought i'd tell you folks. not like any of you care or anything.

yes, i'm in a bit of a mood. mainly cuz mom's annoying me, her "boyfriend" is an ass, i miss my friends, and i hate being single.

why does my life suck?


(who is off to watch a show with a talking stuffed bunny obsessed with drew barrymore. i <3 Unhappily Ever After..)

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