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empty glasses - the amps
2001-08-13 - 12:10 a.m.

today was boring (no, really!). i mowed the lawn, slept, hooked up the scanner to my computer (because moms computer is slow and a piece of shit), and scanned some pictures for my friend.

yay. funness.

it was nice to see alice. i haven't seen her in a while. she was making fun of my room. because its a mess. i had to move empty sangria bottles, letters from friends, a handful of lighters and a bunch of other stuff just so i could find somewhere to set up the scanner. well, its not like her room is any better.

her mom is such a spaz. i love her dearly, but still. i mean, alice is 20, and her mom is like "be sure to leave there (my house) by 11". um, she's 20. and we've known each other for 12 years.

but whatever. thats just how her mom is.

orange tictacs are tasty.

it was so nice out tonight. alice and i sat on the porch and watched cop cars go by. and we bitched about how mom's ex boyfriend is a stalker, and how he is so fucking annoying. and stupid.

yeah. good times.

i'm listening to The Amps. they rock.

earlier - later