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personal background music
12.24.01 - 1:40 a.m.

i went shopping 3 different times today. 3! that's pretty much all my day consisted of. shopping. and wrapping presents. and then more shopping. and music playing really loud. eventually i ended up watching cartoons, and now here i am. Cowboy Bebop is good. i recommend it to all ya'll.

i dyed my hair black. i look sexy. sexier than usual even.

i was telling mom about how when i dress in all really dark clothes and my snappy coat, i feel all dramatic and there should be music playing. kinda like the theme music to 'Angel'. all cello and violin-y. good stuff i tell ya.

i'm supposed to be getting up in 7 hours so i have time to take a shower, make guacamole for the mexican themed xmas eve hootanany, and we have to run to kalamazoo to pick up my brother before coming back this way to go to the hootanany.


[side note: if my brother punches me one more time, i am going to kick his ass. fuck yes. ]

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