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poor fishy.. we hardly knew you
05.22.02 - 1:22 p.m.

sniff. mom accidently broke my fishy cookie jar this morning. but, she promised to buy me a new tacky and obnoxious cookie jar, so i guess its ok.

i need to find something to wear. liz and i are going to the movies tonight. we're seeing the new star wars movie. there might even be some playing of arcade games too.

yes, we are nerds. leave us alone.

i also need to take a shower, clean out the car, cash my comission check, and get gas. however, i can't do the last three at the moment because the brother has just taken the car so he could go to the laundry mat.

speaking of which, i need to do laundry. hmph.

oh, and erica? ever since i've known you, i have never been upset or mad with you for anything. i'm quite certain i'm not gonna start now.

love ya.

earlier - later