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fast computers, yoda, and road trips
05.24.02 - 10:57 p.m.

seeing the movie on wednesday with liz was very fun. we met at boogie's a lil before 6, and i drove us to the movie theater by the crap-ass mall. we had a lot of fun. we made snarky remarks during the commercials and previews, and even a few during the movie. then afterwards, we both agreed that yoda kicks much ass, and i drove liz back to her dorm.

all in all, it was very fun.

thursday, i worked. i worked hard. i found 20 people. 16 of them in 4 hours. i got bounced from computer to computer, and finally ended up by myself in the bossman's office using his fancy (and *very* fast) computer.

today, i packed a box of my books. i was able to cram 37 books into a small(ish) box. not too bad. i still need one more box, and i'll have all my books packed. not too long after, i got another box. though is one is much bigger than i need for the rest of my books, so i'm going to pack it with something else. possibly clothes. which means i need to go through my clothes, figure out what i'm actually gonna wear these next 2 months, and what i still want to keep yet i can pack. so. woohoo. sounds like fun.

i'm not planning on moving back to michigan. just gonna live where i end up running out of money, probably. or, i may throw a dart at a map while i'm blindfolded. who knows.

my trip has now been named The Great Expedition. (thanks mom)

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