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no sex in the driveway!
05.26.02 - 5:06 p.m.

mowing our lawn is always interesting. we live on a double lot in the city, so that means more random crap ends up in our yard than other people's. for example, today while i was mowing, i found a hubcap, a baseball, a vodka bottle, a beer bottle, and a whiskey bottle.

last year, we had a softball.

i'm not sure why all of this crap ends up in our lawn, and no one else's. maybe there was a memo telling people that it'd be amusing to put all sorts of random crap on our property. if so, that memo can suck it.

also, there were some birds having sex in our driveway. when i saw that, i waved my finger at them and yelled "no sex in the driveway!".

in other news, mom and i went to horrock's and bought some flowers to plant. we might start taking bets on how long it takes us to kill them.

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