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mikey's coat
05.26.02 - 10:34 p.m.

mom and i planted our flowers. actually, i planted them and she stood there and bossed me around.

and now i'm bored and sitting here and listening to alanis morissette and there is no one to talk to. that makes me sad.

i finished packing my books. it took 3 boxes instead of 2.

i get paid this week. $200 more to go in my Great Expedition fund.

i'm wearing the denim jacket that mikey gave me. i miss mikey. i haven't seen him in a while. i miss jade too, even though i don't know her really well. but mikey likes her, so that's good enough.

i'm gonna sew patches onto this jacket. i dislike iron-on patches very much. have i ever mentioned that? because i do. very much so.

what i want to do is sit outside under the stars, wrapped up in mikey's old coat, while i sing to myself and drink jug wine. but i can't. i have to wake up early and go to my grandma's house. where people where be surprised that i really do have a job. no.. i don't have a boyfriend. if i told you why, you'd freak and have a heart attack. no.. i don't know what i'm going to do in college. i'm going to run off to canada where i have a friend who i can talk to. about the most insane stuff and she doesn't think i'm all that crazy. a friend who, truthfully, i think i have a bit of a crush on. and right now i'm going to shut up and sit outside under stars, wrapped up in mikey's coat and drink jug wine.

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