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slinkster cool drunken dykes
05.27.02 - 10:12 p.m.

so. sitting outside last night, wrapped up in mikey's old coat and drinking jug wine was an interesting experience. i started out sitting on the porch, but became bored of that, and laid out on the front lawn and watched the stars.

i saw this really bright star. and i thought "whoa.. i wonder what star that is?" and then it moved. and i thought "whoa.. a plane. i wonder where its going." and then it stopped, went backwards, to both sides, and then forward again. and i thought "whoa.. that's weird." and it continued to do that for quite a while. at first i thought maybe i was drunk and seeing things. but then i looked at all the other stars, and they were nice and still like stars should be. so, you know, whoa. and then i named it Twitchy and delcared it to be slinkster cool. as i was laying there, i looked for someone to show Twitchy to, but it was 1am, and no one was around.

yes. i was a little drunk.

when i finally got up to go back inside, i burped *really* loud. then proceeded to giggle like mad, and the door knob on the front door proved to be a bit of a problem. but don't worry, i thwarted that problem and then passed out on my bed.






and then today? not a good day. at all. yes, i am being vague on purpose.

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