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would you like to become a mighty warrior?
05.29.02 - 12:48 a.m.

i kicked some serious ass at work tonight. found 24 people, at least 18 of those in 5 hours.

man.. i tell ya, we make some weird ass calls sometimes. today especially. matt had to call benny hinn, who is one of those tv minister guys ( which was just way to fucking amusing. brian had to make some calls for matt (matt was laughing too damn hard, as were we all), and got this answering machine to one of his ministries. and then he put it on speakerphone. wee! it was all like "to become a mighty warrior, press 0. for prayer, press 1. to purchase products, press 2."

god ain't gonna save your ass from skip-tracers. pay yo damn bills.

and then later, matt was working on some account.. he found a number in lex, for the guy he was looking for, called it.. and the number was a SECURE LINE FOR THE CIA!! WEE!! matt was all like "guhh.. i think it mis-dialed." yeah, so uh, we made sure to put a note in the account to never call that number again.

music: ackley kid - "splinters"

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