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08.26.02 - 6:14 p.m.

damnit. damnitdamnitdamnit.

guess what kiddos? i get to go in for jury duty tomorrow morning.

now, from what i understand, calhoun county (which is the county i live in), is a stupid bitchtard. in kalamazoo county (which is where practically everyone i know who has ever had to go in for jury duty is from), from what i understand, is that you go in on whatever day they tell you too. say.. august 27th. you go in, etc. but in calhoun county, you have a two week period, where you basically call in everynight after 5pm and see what your panel has to do. which is usually nothing, so you have to call back the next night, etc. until your panel is called or until your period of service is up.

so yes. my panel was called. i get to go in, and most likely sit around for hours and hours until they decide that i suck and they don't want me. what a bunch of bullshit.

i am so irked.

irk. irkirkirk. irk!

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